Molly and Tiki

Molly and Tiki
10 weeks

Monday, November 15, 2010

Waiting for Nevada

I am anxiously awaiting Nevada coming to live with me.  This picture was taken when she was much younger.  She is 3 yrs and will turn 4 in Feb. 2011.
I will get her in late December.  Meanwhile, I will go on a cruise, away from it all, except my Iphone and maybe computer.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Molly Moves Back To Breeder

Little Molly and I lasted 4 days.  Actually I am still recovering.  Yes indeed a puppy is too much for me and a hyper active puppy like Molly added to the problem.
I will just have to remain puppy-less although Molly had such a cute tilt of her head and very expressive and persuasive black button eyes.

Good news though, in another 6 weeks I will have an older Bichon, almost 4 years old as my companion.  She is a Champion show dog who is retiring.  Her name is Nevada and is a very quiet serene dog.
Both the Breeder and I are pleased that this will be the best possible solution for everyone concerned.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A New Project For Molly

What A Day

Molly has so much energy I swear she is a hyper active dog.  She actually jumps in the air and stands up, sometimes without holding on for a few seconds.  Gee, maybe I have a puppy who does tricks!  She reminds me of one on those super dogs at the PNE, that jumps and turns in mid air.

She likes to bark at me or anyone when I am standing close to her facing her.  It's almost like she feels, challenged.  She really is fighting for dominance.

I bought more chew toys and treats and a clicker at the pet store today.  The store is delivering artificial grass and a pen so I can have her in the kitchen area.  I fear that she may knock it down since she likes to stand and does kind of bounce against the baby gate.  Gee I'm desperate!  I gotta try anything, that will work.  At least I can bring the pen back if it doesn't work out.The ultimate insult to Lacey  aka Critter, my 16 year old cat was that Molly peed in her bed!!

I spoke to my trainer and she is coming over Saturday afternoon to see if we can tackle some of the issues, I am encountering.

Am I too old for this?  I wonder?  Time will only tell  

Potty Training Blues

We had a success this morning! Molly peed outside after 20 minutes.
Of course, after breakfast and another 20 minutes there wasn't the expected result.  Her pattern has been to go on the rug soon after coming back inside.  I must say  the natural odor remover designed  especially for that purpose works because she has picked 3 different spots.  If any of you reading this blog, I welcome some advice for this challenging issue.

 Today I think we will go to the pet store with Molly in the cart on the bus.  It seems that her attention span is short. She quickly gets bored with the toy  she is playing with very quickly.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A Break For Molly's Mom

All is quiet, Molly is munching on a chewing treat.  Uh oh she is finished and on the prowl.  First it's the cat's water then she is looking around, maybe the fringe on the carpet.  No, she bothered the cat, the cat growls and she barks.  Will they become friends eventually?  I had a dream that they were cuddling each other.  Maybe it will happen yet.

We just had a success, she went potty on the pad.  I haven't managed to get her to do anything outside except try and eat gravel and pieces of grass.  But hey!  it's all about small successes and baby steps.

My good friend Dave and his wife are coming over to puppy/damage control while I go out to dinner.  I may get him to remove the silk area rug I have before it is chewed.  I tried one spray on the fringe but it didn't deter her.  Maybe Bitter Apple will work.

I'm taking a quick break at Starbucks soon and it will be crate time.  It just got really quiet, that is a danger sign around here, since Molly's arrival!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Shhhhhh Don't Wake her up Please!

 Last night was eventful indeed.  Crying, howling and yelping went on for quite awhile from this cute little girl.  It is hard to believe that much noise could come from a 5 pound puppy. I tried taking Molly out for potty at 3:30 am but no results.  Of course, unknown to me at the time she had messed in her crate.
Contrary to what I read in books and heard, she did poop and pee in her crate! 
Tonight, I am armed!!  Clock in her crate, no water when she is in her crate for the night.  I may have to call in the reinforcements, my sound machine as a back up plan.
For the time she has yelped herself to sleep, I've actually been able to eat and put some order in the place.