Molly and Tiki

Molly and Tiki
10 weeks

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Goodbye Tiki

It is with great sadness and heart ache that I write what is to be the final post to this blog.

Yesterday I had to return Tiki to the breeder.  It was a difficult choice to make but we all believe it will have the best possible outcome for Tiki.  It's because I love her so much and care for her that I had to let her go.

My dear Tiki my place feels empty without you.  You will be missed.  You were the light of my life.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Tiki's Health

The beginning of the year has not been a good one for my little Tiki.  She had to stay at the Vet for 4 days and given IVs because of vomiting. The testing revealed a problem with her liver.  Now that she is being treated with liver enzymes, special food and supplements, she seems to be thriving and doing well. She has gained most of the weight back that she lost while ill. I was quite worried about her and  I am still worried about her healthThe vet is going to do another blood test next week to see how she is doing.

The last visit to the vet revealed that she has ingrown eye lashes on both the upper lower eye lids.  She also has a lump on her side as well, the vet will remove the lump when he does the eye surgery.  She will have to wear a collar again.  This time I have ordered a special deluxe more comfortable collar for Tiki.

The insurance is reluctant to pay the claim because we are unable to obtain medical history from the previous vet.  While I understand the company's point of view, it is problem for both the company  and me.  I am more interested in getting previous medical history so the vet may better treat her.

She still is a delight to me and I love to have her here with me.  I am greeted  at the door with much excitement when I arrive home,while Lacey remains indifferent to my arrival  Although Tiki can be stubborn at times when we are walking, for the most part she is very eager to get the exercise.  She still uses the pad inside for the potty but  she also has some successes outside more  often than earlier. She is learning to sit and wait and also to shake a paw.  She does better at those commands when I have a treat in hand.  She is so cute when she first sees the treat, dancing around on her hind legs.

After these setbacks, I expect that Tiki will remain healthy and continue to thrive.